Traduzione automatica
Finca Rosibel is located southeast of the city of Upala. To reach this farm you must drive towards the landing strip, turn left at the Upala Cemetery, on the way to Llano Azul, and continue southeast for approximately two kilometers. The farm is in a small town called La Verbena. The entrance to the farm is adjacent to the local school.
The farm measures 96 hectares. One side of the property of approximately 2 km in length faces a public street that goes to Llano Azul and Colonia Puntarenas. The secondary road, which is also public, and divides the property into two parts, measures 1,800 meters. The main entrance, in front of the school, has 300 meters
of public street. This makes this farm attractive for future development.
Its topography is not broken, but neither can it be classified as a flatland, rather it is an irregular surface with a combination of both, this allows two types of vegetation to develop: the typical dry soil and the marshy soil.
Soil of silty sand and clay in the elevated parts which favor the growth of tall vegetation, in the elevated or dry part the soil is rich in nutrients such as silt, in
leaf litter and weeds in black and humid decomposition.
Flooded clayey marshy soil. It is covered by typical wetland vegetation such as yolillales and water lilies.
The majority of the property is forest and jungle and has been under strict conservation by its owners for almost half a century.
The area has trees that reach up to 35 meters in height. The entire area reaches the category of primary forest.
The flora and fauna of this preserved area is typical of the rainy tropical forest, it is home to 90 species of resident birds and in the summer or low rainfall season, it exceeds 180. As for mammals, 90 resident species are known, and the vegetation is very varied and exceeds 230 known species and others that are not identifiable.
The property is cut across by La Verbena river, whose flow is gentle and shallow, but allows the development of several aquatic species.
The farm has a natural wealth that is very difficult to find in the surrounding areas and the country at large.
You well find birdwatching paradise and so many animals in this place.